Defining Sobriety And How It Can Impact Your Life

Medically reviewed by Julie Dodson, MA
Updated June 7, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Sobriety. While it may be a term many people know, they may not all agree on its definition. Many people understand the word to mean not using drugs or alcohol. However, it can be more complex to truly define sobriety and all that it means for a specific person. 

Learn about sobriety and what it means

Defining sobriety

The definition of sobriety is, according to Merriam-Webster, not having a compulsive physiological need for a drug, alcohol, or other habit-forming substance and not being strongly compelled to indulge in or use it repeatedly. However, this definition may leave some gray areas.

Many of the steps programs, such as A.A., have a different definition of sobriety. The publication This Is A.A. goes into detail about how some people were technically able to experience periods of time when they were “sober,” but they were unhappy. The time they spent sober was also spent looking forward to the next time that they could drink again. It also says, "Now that we are in A.A., we have a new outlook on sobriety. We enjoy a sense of release, a feeling of freedom from even the desire to drink. Since we cannot expect to drink normally at any time in the future, we concentrate on living a full life without alcohol today."

This attempt to define sobriety emphasizes living life successfully without a substance, not just simply living without it.

The benefits of sobriety

When someone is sober, they may be able to experience daily life without their thoughts and behaviors being controlled by an addiction to a substance. They might not feel compelled to use it because they are happily living life without it. This sometimes happens because they see and enjoy the benefits of living without the substance so much that they no longer have the need to use it. Therefore, they abstain from using it to keep enjoying this new and healthier lifestyle.

Now that we have a common sobriety definition, let's get into all the ways sobriety can impact your life.

Improved physical health

Drugs and alcohol can take a huge toll on your physical health. When people use enough, they may tend to become weaker and malnourished. The addiction can be so strong that it becomes a priority over caring for their physical health. Using drugs or alcohol often can lead to exhaustion and lack of proper rest.

Being sober can lead to wiser decisions regarding your health. You may find that you make better eating decisions, making it easier to nourish your body. You may also begin to sleep better and gain the willpower to begin exercising. While all these things can help you become healthier physically, they may also play a role in your mental health.

Improved mental health

When under the influence of a substance, you may not read situations correctly. Your brain is being affected by the substance to which you are exposing your body. Some people become paranoid and see problems that are not there. They may become angry, hostile, or depressed, and some experience hallucinations. The lack of control you experience when using a substance may make it difficult to recognize and treat these behaviors. Eliminating drugs and alcohol may help you make progress in each of these areas. You may find that these symptoms are eliminated when you are no longer under the influence or experiencing withdrawal symptoms. As you reduce and eventually abstain from substances, you may see continual improvements to your mental health and well-being by being able to think more clearly and process your emotions and reactions more carefully.

Improved relationships

Relationships, new and old, can improve significantly because of your sobriety. If you use alcohol or another substance to excess, you may not be the only one whose life is affected. Your relationships with family and friends who care about you can suffer. If you are fortunate enough to have family or friends who are standing by and supporting you in your journey to maintain sobriety, you may find that your relationships can be transformed as you achieve a healthier and more balanced life.

You may have done or said things in the past that damaged these relationships. When you are sober, you can talk to the people in your life and take responsibility for these actions. Then, by maintaining sobriety, you can begin to build trust with these individuals again.

If any of the relationships that you had in the past were with people with whom you were using, you may find it helpful to build new relationships. Getting healthy involves changing your behaviors, which sometimes means saying goodbye to old friends and finding new ones. With this strategy, you might feel empowered to defend your sobriety instead of continuing to expose yourself to people who will challenge your new way of thinking. You can meet new people with whom you can form healthy relationships from the start.

When you are abusing drugs or alcohol, you may find it difficult to be fully present for the people in your life. Your behavior might be more selfish than usual, and you might not think of others. You may focus on fulfilling your own desire to use instead of thinking about how your behavior impacts those you love. When you work to become sober, you can become more present for the people who are in your life. You can recognize their needs and help meet them. 

The journey you are on may also serve as an example to show others what they can overcome if they are facing a similar challenge. The story of your past and present may encourage others to continue on their journey to sobriety.

Learn about sobriety and what it means

No more withdrawal, hangover, or risk of overdosing

If you have been using a substance to excess, you may know what it’s like to constantly feel ill. Drinking too much can lead to being hungover on a regular basis as the alcohol works its way out of your system. Using some drugs leads to withdrawal when you decide not to use or are unable to. You also might worry that when you use it could lead to overdose, seizures, or death. It may be easy to think that it will not happen to you, but in 2020 there were more than 92,000 people who died from drug overdose. When you are living a life of sobriety, you don’t have to worry about hangovers, withdrawal, or overdose.

Fewer legal consequences

When you are sober, you don’t have to worry about the legal repercussions of driving while under the influence or being caught intoxicated in public or in possession of an illegal substance. You could end up in jail or face significant fines if you are caught using, buying, or selling drugs. You could injure or kill someone by causing an accident when driving home from drinking. When you are living sober, you don't have to think about or suffer from the potential consequences of these actions.

You can excel at school or work

It can be difficult to show your true potential when you are using drugs or alcohol. When you are sober, you may find that you can focus more. Your brain may become less foggy and you may experience fewer moments of forgetfulness. When you begin to experience freedom, you might discover how you can leverage your strengths to succeed in both your work life and your personal life.

Getting help

If you're sober curious and thinking of exploring what it might be like to change your relationship with alcohol, you don’t have to go through the process alone. You can get your questions answered without having to leave home. An online therapist at BetterHelp can listen to your questions and concerns without judgment, and at a schedule that is convenient for you. Once you’re matched with a therapist, you can also contact them via in-app messaging to discuss any thoughts or concerns about sobriety.

You don’t have to worry about compromising quality for convenience. Recent studies have shown that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy for the treatment of substance use disorders and other mental health conditions. 


If you are ready to step into a life of sobriety or if you are simply sober-curious, contact a professional counselor to help you along the way. A trained therapist can use their experience to offer you guidance and resources as you explore what sober life might look like for you. Take the first step and reach out today.
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