When speaking Tagalog, you'd say, "Mahal kita," when you want to say, "I love you." Tagalog is the main dialect of the Philippines. Whether used to communicate your love for a romantic partner or family, "mahal kita" can be a meaningful way to express love.
In Spanish, "Te amo" means "I love you." Spanish can be a beautiful and passionate language that may offer many ways to communicate your love for others.
"Ich Liebe Dich" is how you would say "I love you" in German. While some may refer to German as a harsh-sounding language, it can still express beautiful emotions.
In Portuguese, “te amo” is “I love you,” just like in Spanish. You may also say “te adoro,” or “Eu estou apaixonado por você.” Portuguese is one of the romance languages of the world.
For many couples, saying "I love you" is a way to continuously affirm and reassure each other of their commitment, regardless of their language. In addition to expressing love through verbal communication or visual communication like ASL, you may also express your love through your actions and behaviors.
According to Gary Chapman, author of the New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, there are five common ways, or love languages, in which most people like to receive love. The five love languages include:
Although many enjoy a combination of these love languages, most people have one or two that resonate more than others. It can be beneficial to speak with your partner about their love language and see what resonates the most for them. Understanding their favorite ways to give and receive love can help you form a stronger connection and bond.
If words of affirmation is your partner's love language, you might make a point of verbally expressing thoughts like, "I appreciate you," or leaving them handwritten notes around the house. You might also write love letters or choose your words carefully, to indicate deeper meaning.
Gift-giving can involve thinking of your partner and providing small tokens of affection. Often, these gifts don't need to be large or expensive. Perhaps you could grab your partner's favorite snack if you're stopping by the grocery store. In addition, it may make your partner feel loved if you show plenty of appreciation when they have gifts for you.
If acts of service is your partner's love language, you might go out of your way to take responsibilities off of their plate. Maybe that means picking up a package from the post office, making a phone call they've been putting off, or changing a tire on their car.
Quality time means spending intentional time with your partner rather than focusing on the TV, phone, or other distractions. Distraction-free time could be a special date night or a no-phones-allowed dinner each night that gives you a chance to discuss your days and give each other your full attention.
Although you may initially think of sex when considering the love language of physical touch, it does not have to include sex. It can refer to many other kinds of physical affection. That could be kissing, giving your partner a back rub, or even placing a hand on their arm when you sense they're overwhelmed.
It may not always be easy to express your love or ensure that you're giving your partner love in the way they wish to receive it. Online therapy may be an option if you'd like to work with a professional to better express how much you care for your partner, family, or friends.
At times, it may feel uncomfortable to open up to someone you've just met in an unfamiliar location, as you may do in traditional therapy. Online therapy can remove some of that potential awkwardness by enabling you to attend therapy sessions from anywhere with an internet connection.
Depending on your preferences and goals, you may attend online therapy individually or with your partner. A recent study focused on 15 couples experiencing online treatment together for the first time. Many weren't sure about going through the process online at first. However, once they had experienced multiple sessions, they concluded that online therapy was both positive and beneficial for their relationships.
If you hope to try online therapy, platforms such as BetterHelp for individuals or Regain for couples may be beneficial to you, as they offer a simple way to choose a large database of therapists.
Read below for counselor reviews from users who have recently reached out for support.
“Lisa is great. She really listened to my current challenges and introduced me to worksheets and concepts I didn't know or realize about myself. I had not known that when I "explain" myself in an argument that is Defensiveness! And she is helping me prepare for the holidays and family visits. Also, there is a sense of humor that I can connect with. I already am communicating better with my partner and feeling less lost and frustrated.”
“Christine is a warm, understanding therapist who reminds me to accept where I am and to set goals to work for something better for myself and my family. I appreciate her advice and reminders that therapy is what happens whenever I stop to reflect in a journal, conversation with my partner, etc. she encourages me to make time for myself and to enjoy this stage of my parenting life. I appreciate her kind and thoughtful guidance.”
There are many ways to say, “I love you.” You can say it visually with American Sign Language or in a multitude of different languages. It's possible to show love through your actions by catering to your partner's love language. If you have trouble expressing your love or want to improve your communication skills, you may wish to consider online therapy.
The hand love sign allows a person to sign “I love you” in American Sign Language. The gesture is formed by holding the middle finger and ring finger towards the palm while extending the thumb, index finger, and pinky finger. Examples can be seen on the ASL Sign Language Dictionary’s website.
ASL’s hand love sign, also called the “ILY sign,” has been used since at least 1905. It is a combination of the hand signs for “I,” “L,” and “Y.” It is used to communicate love or several other positive feelings, such as admiration or support. The ILY sign was made into an emoji in 2017.
The Korean heart hand sign is formed by slightly overlapping the thumb and index finger, which forms a heart shape. The sign was believed to be popularized by actress Kim Hye-soo in 2010. As K-pop and other Korean cultural exports continue to become popular, the Korean heart sign is increasingly recognized worldwide. An example vector illustration can be found here.
Many people have individual hand signs that they use to show love to another, and these are often kept secret between the sender and recipient. A hand sign for “I love you” that is becoming better known is the one-handed version of “I love you” in American Sign Language. The sign is formed by bending the index and ring finger to rest against the palm, and extending the rest of the finger. The sign looks similar to the “devil’s horns” hand sign popularized by rock n’ roll. The difference is that the thumb is extended for the “I love you” sign, while it is tucked under the index and ring finger for the “rock on” gesture.
There are a few different ways a three-finger hand sign can be interpreted. A hand sign with the three middle fingers extended together, with no space between them, likely represents the “three-finger salute” popularized by the Hunger Games franchise. It represents admiration or appreciation when presented to a friend or loved one. Conversely, it can also represent defiance, such as when the gesture became popular among protestors in Myanmar.
If the pinky, ring, and middle finger are extended while being spread apart (as if the person were indicating the number “3”), it may signify friendship or affection. It is possible that the gesture evolved from the “ILY” sign popular in American Sign Language, in which the pinky, index, and thumb are extended while the middle and ring fingers are pressed against the palm.
Four fingers extended with the thumb retracted may be a signal for help. If able, the person displaying the sign opens and closes their fingers, trapping and releasing their thumb in a closed fist. The gesture was popularized as the “Signal for Help” by the Canadian Woman’s Foundation in 2020. The sign is intended to signal that the sender is at risk of experiencing domestic violence, and anyone viewing the sign should discreetly reach out to the person displaying it. Since 2020, the sign has become increasingly popular and awareness of its use has been spread through social media platforms like TikTok.
If the middle and ring finger are retracted while the thumb, index, and pinky are extended, it is the “ILY” sign, which is the one-handed method of signing “I love you” in American Sign Language. If the thumb, index, and middle finger are extended while the pinky and ring finger are retracted, it may be a modified version of the “V-sign.”
The V-sign has several meanings. In some areas, such as the United Kingdom, it is considered an offensive sign, similar to extending the middle finger in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the V-sign is only offensive if the palm faces toward the person displaying it. When reversed, with the palm facing away from the person making the sign, it is akin to the “peace” sign in the United States and can also mean “V for victory.”
One finger extended can mean several things. Raising the index finger alone is commonly considered a “please wait” gesture in the United States. Extending the index finger and placing it against the lips might communicate, “Be quiet.” Extending the thumb alone can indicate approval or disapproval by pointing it up or down. When the middle finger is extended alone, it is commonly perceived as an offensive gesture, especially in the United States.
Extending two fingers, usually the middle and index finger, is commonly referred to as the “V-sign.” The V-sign is popular globally but can have different meanings from country to country. In Japan, displaying the V-sign with the palm oriented outward is an innocuous gesture commonly used when posing for a photograph. In the United Kingdom, displaying the V-sign palm-outward is an encouraging gesture, representing “V for victory.”
On the other hand, displaying the V-sign with the palm inward in the United Kingdom is an offensive gesture akin to an extended middle finger in the United States. In the U.S., the V-sign is commonly referred to as the “peace sign “ and is not considered an offensive gesture, no matter which way the palm is oriented.
Each finger has historically been associated with certain traits. Those traits are often defined through palmistry, pseudoscientific fortune-telling, also known as palm-reading. The pinky finger is associated with intelligence and intuition, and men’s wedding rings are sometimes worn on the pinky. For both men and women, the ring finger is now the most common placement for wedding or engagement rings.
The middle finger is often associated with power and balance. It is central to the hand and usually the longest finger, conveying a sense of equilibrium between the other fingers. The index finger, which is often the most used finger for pointing or directing, is associated with confidence and leadership. Finally, the thumb is associated with power and status. Wealthy and influential people throughout history have worn rings on their thumbs to demonstrate their important status.